Search for a Fund

If you already know the name of the fund you need, please enter it in the text box below. If you're unsure of what funds are available, use the college/unit dropdown box to search for funds in a specific area of interest. This is a partial list of funds. If your desired area to support is not listed, please use this giving form.

College \ Unit:
Fund Name:
1946 Veterinary Medicine Professorship Fund
The holder of the Professorship shall be engaged in teaching, research, public service, or a combination of such duties consistent with the purpose of the Department.
Fund Name:
1973 Eta Xi Alumni Association, Inc. Scholarship Fund
Fund Name:
A. Felton Jenkins, Jr. Law School Scholarship Fund
Provides scholarship support for a student enrolled in the School. Preference shall be given to students who are from non-metropolitan areas, i.e., smaller towns and cities, anywhere in the world. The scholarship is open to residents of any state or...
Fund Name:
A. J. Nofsinger Student Support Fund
Provides support for students in the College of Education who are preparing to be teachers in elementary or middle school grades.
Fund Name:
A. Louise Staman Writing Award Fund
Fund Name:
Aaron C. Krask Study Abroad Scholarship Fund
Provides scholarship support for an undergraduate student who has completed at least 2 semesters of German language courses in the Department of Germanic and Slavic Studies and is participating in one of the UGA’s Study Abroad Programs in the DACH region.
Fund Name:
Abigail Reddic Student Teaching Emergency Fund
Provides limited, one-time financial assistance, up to $2,000, to enrolled undergraduate students in a College of Education educator preparation program in their student teaching semester who are unable to meet immediate, essential expenses because...
Fund Name:
Abigail Reddic Student Teaching Emergency Fund Spendable
For current year spending
Fund Name:
Abit and Henry Massey Student Enhancement Fund
Provides educational enhancement opportunities for students in good standing with an interest in majoring in Poultry Science or Avian Biology and pursuing a career in the poultry industry.
Fund Name:
Abit Massey/Ivester Foundation Scholarship Fund
Provides scholarship support for students in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences who either graduated from a high school in Gainesville or Hall County, GA or who are residents of Hall County, GA.
Fund Name:
Acacia Fellowship Fund
Provides support for a graduate student in the Department of Public Administration and Policy with a specific focus on health policy matters. Income from the fund may be used for tuition and living expenses incurred of graduate study.
Fund Name:
Academic Honesty General Fund
Fund Name:
Ada Lee Correll Scholarship Fund
Provides a need-based scholarship(s), as determined by the Office of Student Financial Aid, for an undergraduate student(s) in the College of Education at the University of Georgia.
Fund Name:
Adam Cramond Martin Travel Award Fund
Provides an award for undergraduate history majors to support travel opportunities including, but not limited to, conference travel, internships, and
courses in an approved study program (domestic and abroad) available at the University of Georgia...
Fund Name:
Administration Aid Relief Fund (AARF)
Fund Name:
Adora W. Mills Scholarship in Music
Fund Name:
AdPR Creative Endeavors Fund
Supports and advance the creative endeavors of the Department
of Advertising and Public Relations at the Grady College of Journalism and
Mass Communication. Support shall include, but not be limited to, awards, travel, research, materials, equipment, etc.
Fund Name:
ADS Graduate Student Association Support Fund
Provides support for the Animal and Dairy Science Graduate Student Association at UGA. The ADS GSA is dedicated to fostering connections among graduate students, friends, and faculty members of the Department of Animal and Dairy Science.
Fund Name:
Adult Education Fund
Provides general operating expenses and travel for faculty and students
Fund Name:
Advancing Georgia's Leaders Support Fund
Fund Name:
Advertising and Public Relations Connection Fund
Provides support for the Advertising and Public Relations Connection, the Department of Advertising and Public Relations' annual career fair. May also be used for student support.
Fund Name:
Advertising and Public Relations Diversity and Outreach Fund
Provides support to enhance diversity and outreach in the fields of advertising and public relations.
Fund Name:
African American Choral Ensemble (AACE) Fund
Provides support for the African American Choral Ensemble at the Hugh Hodgson School of Music. Support shall include, but not be limited to, visiting artists and experts, performance, etc.
Fund Name:
Ag Forecast Support Fund
Provides support for the Georgia Ag Forecast seminar series presented by CAES. Support shall include, but not limited to, travel, honorariums, promotion and marketing materials, supplies and other related expenses as deemed appropriate by the Dean.
Fund Name:
AGHON Georgia Commitment Scholarship Fund
Fund Name:
AGHON Support Fund
Supports activities of the AGHON Honor Society, which recognizes student leaders on South Campus.
Fund Name:
AGL Endowed Support Fund
Fund Name:
Agricultural Economics Endowment
Supports student scholarships and programming in the Department of Agricultural Economics along with funding faculty excellence awards.
Fund Name:
Agricultural Economics Fund
Benefits the Agricultural Economics Department to facilitate Agricultural Economics' programs; support operations; and improve the visibility of faculty and students.
Fund Name:
Agricultural Engineering Development Fund
Provides the Georgia Section Scholarship to support the UGA Agricultural Engineering Department and other academic projects.
Fund Name:
Agricultural Engineering Endowment
Provides support for the College of Engineering’s Biological and Agricultural Engineering programs. Support shall include scholarships for students enrolled in the College and other academic projects of the College.
Fund Name:
Agricultural Leadership, Education & Communication Department Non-Endowed Scholarship Fund
Provides scholarship support for students in the Department of ALEC Department within the College of Ag. Recipients shall be selected by a committee appt'd by Dept. Head.
Fund Name:
Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication Enrichment Fund
Supports general activities of the Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication including student travel and enrichment opportunities.
Fund Name:
Agriculture Scholarship-Mark Lord
Fund Name:
Alan Jaworski Student Travel Award
Provides funding for plant biology students to attend scientific meetings, field work, special projects, and other appropriate expenditures.
Fund Name:
Alan Karanovich Military Appreciation Scholarship Fund
The purpose of the Fund is to provide undergraduate scholarship support for a student(s) enrolled in the Terry College of Business (“College”) who is a military veteran(s) and/or a spouse(s) or dependent(s) of a military veteran(s).
Fund Name:
Alan T. Dorsey Graduate Fellowship in Physics and Astronomy
Fund Name:
Albert and Jo Waltman College of Public Health Scholarship Fund
Provides need-based scholarship support for a student in the College of Public Health. Recipients shall be selected by a committee appointed by the Dean of the College. Financial need shall be determined by the Office of Student Financial Aid at UGA.
Fund Name:
Albert and Jo Waltman College of Public Health Scholarship Fund Spendable
For current use.
Fund Name:
Albert and Naomi Johnson Scholarship Fund
Provides a need-based scholarship, as determined by OSFA, for an undergraduate student who has demonstrated achievement and determination in the face of challenging social, economic, educational, cultural, or other life circumstances. Recipients will...
Fund Name:
Albert B. Saye Demosthenian Hall Preservation Fund
Fund Name:
Albert F. Dirr Scholarship Fund
Fund Name:
Albert Saye Professor of Amer Gvmnt & Constitutional Law
Fund Name:
Albert W Jowdy Pharmacy Scholarship
Fund Name:
ALEC Student Organization Support Fund
Provides support for student organizations affiliated with the Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication Department within the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
Fund Name:
Alexander (AJ) Jackson Memorial Scholarship Fund
Supports diversity at UGA by providing a scholarship for an outstanding undergraduate student studying within the Div. of Biological Sciences who has overcome obstacles such as socioeconomic or educational disadvantage, or other significant challenges.
Fund Name:
Alfano and O’Brien Family Sports Communication Award
Fund Name:
Alfred Edmondson Brown Scholarship
Purpose is to provide support to graduate students in need of funding for research activities related to the arts and humanities.
Fund Name:
Alice C. Langdale Graduate Award in English
Provides an award to recognize outstanding graduate students in the Department of English.
Fund Name:
Alice E. Klein Memorial Fund
Provides the Quantitative Methodology program with necessary books, manuals, and equipment to enable it to be up-to-date in the areas of statistical analysis, research design, and test construction.