Decades ago, the University of Georgia was gifted two boulders with Native American petroglyphs carved into them. Adorned with spiral designs, and other images, these boulders are a testament to Georgia's Native American heritage.
For years, these boulders have resided on various parts of UGA's campus and now currently sit in front of Baldwin Hall on North Campus. Unfortunately, the designs are now starting to fade due to weathering. Our goal is to better protect these unique objects of Native American history, create a dedicated and permanent space at the University of Georgia's Laboratory of Archaeology, as well as educate the general public about Native heritage and culture throughout the state.
Working together with the Muscogee (Creek) Nation, our plan includes housing the smaller petroglyph boulder inside our atrium and the development of an outdoor green space divided into two areas. The first would host a Native garden full of indigenous plants of Georgia, a bronze arbor, designed by Muscogee Creek tribal artist Dan Brook, and the larger petroglyph boulder. The second area would be a learning landscape focused on an instructional area and "dig pit" to train budding young archaeologists in the science of investigating the past.
Your support of this plan will help us create a learning experience that will educate students and visitors about archaeology and the Native American history of Georgia.
By donating to the University of Georgia's Laboratory of Archaeology, your gift of any size will help us with our mission.