'Help students. Get swag. Go Dawgs.'

Help students. Get swag. Go Dawgs.

The postseason is here, and you can celebrate UGA while ensuring our students’ futures are as bright as the Dawgs’. Make a gift of $5 or more and, as thanks for your contribution, we’ll send you these special, limited-edition stickers!

Give Now!

To designate your donation to a specific area at UGA, use the dropdown menu below to select the fund you wish to support.

Georgia Fund: University-wide & Alumni Support - A gift to the Georgia Fund supports the university's area of greatest need. Currently, 100% of gifts to the Georgia Fund support student scholarships.

Can't find your preferred fund? Use our standard form!

If your gift honors/memorializes a pet, please indicate species and owner's names for appropriate acknowledgement.

Billing Information

Please allow 4-6 weeks for your stickers to arrive. One set of stickers will be mailed per transaction. If your stickers should be shipped to an address different than the billing address used to make your donation, please email gafund@uga.edu with the correct address.