Search for a Fund

If you already know the name of the fund you need, please enter it in the text box below. If you're unsure of what funds are available, use the college/unit dropdown box to search for funds in a specific area of interest. This is a partial list of funds. If your desired area to support is not listed, please use this giving form.

College \ Unit:
Fund Name:
Abit and Henry Massey Student Enhancement Fund
Provides educational enhancement opportunities for students in good standing with an interest in majoring in Poultry Science or Avian Biology and pursuing a career in the poultry industry.
Fund Name:
Abit Massey/Ivester Foundation Scholarship Fund
Provides scholarship support for students in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences who either graduated from a high school in Gainesville or Hall County, GA or who are residents of Hall County, GA.
Fund Name:
ADS Graduate Student Association Support Fund
Provides support for the Animal and Dairy Science Graduate Student Association at UGA. The ADS GSA is dedicated to fostering connections among graduate students, friends, and faculty members of the Department of Animal and Dairy Science.
Fund Name:
Advancing Georgia's Leaders Support Fund
Fund Name:
Ag Forecast Support Fund
Provides support for the Georgia Ag Forecast seminar series presented by CAES. Support shall include, but not limited to, travel, honorariums, promotion and marketing materials, supplies and other related expenses as deemed appropriate by the Dean.
Fund Name:
AGHON Support Fund
Supports activities of the AGHON Honor Society, which recognizes student leaders on South Campus.
Fund Name:
AGL Endowed Support Fund
Fund Name:
Agricultural Economics Endowment
Supports student scholarships and programming in the Department of Agricultural Economics along with funding faculty excellence awards.
Fund Name:
Agricultural Economics Fund
Benefits the Agricultural Economics Department to facilitate Agricultural Economics' programs; support operations; and improve the visibility of faculty and students.
Fund Name:
Agricultural Leadership, Education & Communication Department Non-Endowed Scholarship Fund
Provides scholarship support for students in the Department of ALEC Department within the College of Ag. Recipients shall be selected by a committee appt'd by Dept. Head.
Fund Name:
Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication Enrichment Fund
Supports general activities of the Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication including student travel and enrichment opportunities.
Fund Name:
Agriculture Scholarship-Mark Lord
Fund Name:
Albert F. Dirr Scholarship Fund
Fund Name:
ALEC Student Organization Support Fund
Provides support for student organizations affiliated with the Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication Department within the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
Fund Name:
Amy Joy Janvier Study Abroad Scholarship Fund
Provides study abroad scholarship support for a junior or senior student in the Department of Entomology.
Fund Name:
Andrea B. Simao Scholarship to Advance Public Service in Support of U.S. Agriculture Fund
Provides scholarship support for a rising junior or senior undergraduate student within the College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences. Preference shall be given to students interested in or pursuing a career in public service at the local, state...
Fund Name:
Animal and Dairy Science Beef and Meat Research and Teaching Fund
Provides support for beef and meat research and teaching for undergraduate students, graduate students, and faculty in the Department of Animal and Dairy Science.
Fund Name:
Animal and Dairy Science Discretionary Fund
Supports general activities of the Department of Animal and Dairy Science including but not limited to student travel and enrichment opportunities.
Fund Name:
Animal and Dairy Science Non-endowed Scholarship Fund
Provides scholarship support for students in the Department of Animal and Dairy Science within the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. Recipients shall be selected by a committee appointed by the Department Head.
Fund Name:
Attapulgus Georgia Research and Education Center Fund
Provides critical support for conducting research and for sharing the results with our stakeholders.
Fund Name:
Beal Family Scholarship Endowment
Provides annual scholarship support for a rising junior or senior student in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. Recipients should have financial need, as determined by OSFA.
Fund Name:
Ben and Donna Martin Family Scholarship Fund
Provides support for upper class students (3rd year or higher) representing the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences as Ambassadors.
Fund Name:
Benson’s Hospitality Group Undergraduate Scholarship Fund
Fund Name:
Bibb County Extension Support Fund
Provides support for the Bibb County Extension programs affiliated with the University of Georgia.
Fund Name:
Bill and Alcy Whisenant Scholarship Fund
Provides annual scholarship support for a rising junior or senior student in the College of Ag, with first preference for those who are majoring in Entomology. Recipients should have financial need, as determined by the Office of Student Financial Aid...
Fund Name:
Block and Bridle Club Scholarship
Provides scholarship support for undergraduate students in the Block and Bridle Club who exhibit leadership and good character, and who have helped to advance animal agriculture.
Fund Name:
Broder Global Support Fund
Provides support for students in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences who participate in global educational programs and activities.
Fund Name:
Buckhead Men’s Garden Club Horticulture Graduate Student Support Fund
Provides additional support to enhance graduate student assistantships and research projects in the Department of Horticulture.
Fund Name:
C.M. Stripling Irrigation Research Park Fund
Provides critical support for conducting research and for sharing the results with our stakeholders.
Fund Name:
CAES Academic Programs
Supports College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences students in areas including travel, awards, professional development, research, internship support and other experiential learning initiatives.
Fund Name:
CAES Alumni Association East GA Chapter Scholarship
Fund Name:
CAES Alumni Association Eterna Fund
Supports the CAES Alumni Association by funding student scholarships and additional student and alumni programming.
Fund Name:
CAES Alumni Association Eterna Nonendowed Fund
Provides support for the activities and initiatives of the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Alumni Association.
Fund Name:
CAES Deans' Promise Fund
Supports the commitment from the CAES administration to provide students with transformative enrichment opportunities including international travel, service learning, internships and fellowships.
Fund Name:
CAES FABricate Entrepreneurship Fund
Provides support for the FABricate Food and AgriBusiness Entrepreneurship Program and other related areas which are incubators for CAES students to launch startup companies.
Fund Name:
CAES Inclusive Excellence Fund
Provides resources for inclusive excellence within the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
Fund Name:
CAES Rural Initiatives Fund
Provides support for rural initiatives related to the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences that work to support the mission of the University of Georgia.
Fund Name:
CAES Rural Scholars Non-endowed Scholarship Fund
Provides merit-based scholarships to assist in recruiting the most qualified students to UGA through the CAES Rural Scholars Program. The Program will be unique in recognizing students from rural communities in the state of Georgia who have excelled...
Fund Name:
CAES Rural Scholars Operational Fund
Fund Name:
CAES Rural Scholars Program Support Fund
Fund Name:
CAES Signature Events Support Fund
Provides support for signature events hosted by the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, such as Ag Dawg Kickoff, Ag Forecast, Flavor of Georgia, and CAES Alumni Awards and Georgia Agricultural Hall of Fame Induction.
Fund Name:
CAES Student Emergency Fund
Fund Name:
CAES Student Enrichment Fund - Tifton Campus
Fund Name:
Cain A.M. Bickley Student Support Fund
Provides support for Junior and/or Senior undergraduate students majoring in Agricultural and Applied Economics, Agribusiness, and Agricultural Communication within the College.
Fund Name:
Carolyn Krauss Memorial Scholarship Fund
Provides scholarship support for an undergraduate student in the Department of Horticulture . First preference shall be given to upperclassmen majoring in Horticulture.
Fund Name:
Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development Support Fund
Fund Name:
Center for Food Safety Fund
Fund Name:
Chris and Marilynn Hopkins Scholarship Fund
Provides scholarship support for an undergraduate student(s) who intends to pursue a career in Georgia's production agriculture, with preference for residents of rural Georgia.
Fund Name:
Christy Cromley Seyfert and Mike Seyfert Scholarship Endowment
Provides merit-based scholarship support for an undergraduate student enrolled in any major within the College. Preference may be given to students with an interest in Agricultural Policy. Recipients must be in good academic standing and will be...
Fund Name:
CNI Ag Graduate Student Award Fund
Provides an award for a graduate student in the Master of Plant Protection and Pest Management degree program. Recipients shall be selected by a committee appointed by the Dean. Awards will be paid following applicable University policy...